Want to learn the code? There are different ways to learn the code knowing the importance of it in web programming. On LeWagon you have the best of Code online learning program. This training is a rigorous one that needs much time, energy and concentration for whosoever wants to engage into it. We will show you the best different ways to learn the code in just some few nine weeks through the wagon’s coding boot camp.
Take the preparation work
In this step you have 40 hours to prepare yourself for apprenticeship. Here you learn the elements of language on the functioning mode of web, on the basic commands of terminal and of Git. Here you will equally learn the foundation language of HTML/ CSS and JavaScript. You equally understand from here what makes a startup and how it goes. After taking those hours to understand, you will now go to the foundations step which can take close to three weeks and a half.
Install some tools of developer
In other to be well furnished for apprenticeship process, you need to install some tools. Take into consideration the command line basics to create, update; delete files and folder. In the learning process « Ruby » will be very helpful without forgetting a version management tool. Install also all key developer packages, with git and Github.
Write algorithms
With all set up put into place and well managed; you can now start writing algorithms variable, loops; conditions and data structures like array and harsh. Put in place the parsing and storing of data from files like HTML, and JSON. In programing your come to know its core concept, the data structures, test pattern detection. You equally have the amazing web scraping with Nokogiri.
Arrange your software
Here you dispose your software in several classes with object-oriented principles. Consider yourself as an architect and built your house considering its structure. Look at your variable and classification. Build public and private interfaces; simulate a database with CSV files. Master the model view controller.
Build a database
As you should know all software need a data base. Learn to design a relational database and built structured queries to your database using SQL while connecting your DB to ruby with an ORM (object Relational Mapping). In your data base create a door for active record basics and active record advanced. Now that you have a view of how to learn to code to progress in your knowledge.