Creating web site is an important step in the understanding of the world of the web. It will be important to create a perfect way to site so it can ensure the desired result. During the creative process, tools like ruby on rails are used in order to have flawless results at this level. You should know that ruby on rails unanimity among startups and now the excitement is perfectly explained by the many benefits of this framework.
General Ruby on Rails
You should know that Ruby on Rails is a framework using the Ruby language for building web applications. It will create some depth site, fast, functional with all the necessary tools for the site is rich in features later. To this we offer a concise count, scalable and productive with minimal configuration prioritization of certain agreements and technology already built into the site created for the latter is a 2.0 site. Clearly, so we expect the DRY or Do not Repeat Yourself with RoR. We can therefore focus the elements of the application in one place. With ror, it will not be as necessary to specify the details because the conventions will be the base.
This is the best framework for ruby
It must be said that professionals like ruby on rails development company using this framework with its many attractions. With ror, the project will be structured which will provide a very good organization of the latter. Migration will also be possible with ruby on rails which will develop the project fair, structure and content of the database. It also has ORM called Active Record to perfectly manage the data. Ror also will generate all the necessary code to gauge the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) with the Scaffold feature. 3 specific environments will also be offered by ror. Of course, security will be there with ruby on rails not to mention the javascript library that inevitably come with ror. Also, we can put caches everywhere with ror while testing thereafter.